National Institute for Research and Development of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies – INCDTIM
Mechanical Engineering
Design and control of mechanical systems.
Precision machine design.
Computational and simulation methods used to ensure the reliability and robustness of mechanical systems.
Manufacturing process, product design and development for mechanical systems. Tools: DMC 1035Veco Machining centre, CNC CTX 510 Ecoline, CadAdventure Creo 7.0. Experience - INCDTIM as part of the international collaboration for the ATLAS Experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC-Geneva) is actively involved in the Phase II Upgrade Project for the hadronic Tile Calorimeter. The main responsibilities are the implementation of the mini-drawer concept together with the tooling system and the mini-drawer assembly line for the Tile Calorimeter upgrade.
Precision machine design.
Computational and simulation methods used to ensure the reliability and robustness of mechanical systems.
Manufacturing process, product design and development for mechanical systems. Tools: DMC 1035Veco Machining centre, CNC CTX 510 Ecoline, CadAdventure Creo 7.0. Experience - INCDTIM as part of the international collaboration for the ATLAS Experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC-Geneva) is actively involved in the Phase II Upgrade Project for the hadronic Tile Calorimeter. The main responsibilities are the implementation of the mini-drawer concept together with the tooling system and the mini-drawer assembly line for the Tile Calorimeter upgrade.
Systems Testing Capability
Cryogenic level measurement of liquid nitrogen and liquid carbon monoxide. Cryogenic system setup under high vacuum control is already in use at the 13C isotope separation plant.
Thermal structure and heat leak detection already in use FLIR SC7000 with Indium Antimonide (InSb) detector, having a low noise levels as 20 mK. LiT is a non-contact technique used in the aircraft industry for defect detection.
The global concept of the technique developed within INCDTIM Cluj Napoca.
The global concept of the technique developed within INCDTIM Cluj Napoca.
Vacuum system testing Alcatel ASM 10 Helium Leak Detector with min detectable leak mbar l/s and Pfeiffer TSH 071 E / TSH071E Benchtop Turbo-Drag Vacuum Pumping Station
Extremely low electrical noise 0.4fAp-p electromagnetic compatibility measurement capabilities Electrometer/High Resistance Meter Keithley Model 6517
Electronics and computer science
Custom designed industrial data acquisition boards and software.
Design of data acquisition and process control systems.
System modeling and evaluation software for processes with high order transfer functions.
Custom PCB prototypes designed for cryogenic system setup under high vacuum control used at the 13C isotope separation plant.
Design of data acquisition and process control systems.
System modeling and evaluation software for processes with high order transfer functions.
Custom PCB prototypes designed for cryogenic system setup under high vacuum control used at the 13C isotope separation plant.
Software design for 16/32 bit Microchip and Atmel microcontrollers
Computer board designed to ensure self-monitoring of the solar tracking system for Fresnel lens solar concentrators.
Computer board designed to ensure self-monitoring of the solar tracking system for Fresnel lens solar concentrators.
Custom design of encryption systems.
A prototype for a custom encryption platform developed based on RSA algorithm implementation.
A prototype for a custom encryption platform developed based on RSA algorithm implementation.
Semiconductor intellectually property core design – IP core design.
Design of application specific IP cores for signal processing, automation and control using VHDL.
Design of digital hardware architectures for algorithms parallelization.
Behavioral and post place and route simulation of Ip cores. Series: Signals and Communication Technology
Offers numerous applicative examples developed within INCDTIM, making the text easily understandable.
Design of application specific IP cores for signal processing, automation and control using VHDL.
Design of digital hardware architectures for algorithms parallelization.
Behavioral and post place and route simulation of Ip cores. Series: Signals and Communication Technology
Offers numerous applicative examples developed within INCDTIM, making the text easily understandable.
Design of numerical algorithms and methods for complex systems.
Design and simulation of physical processes for accurate quantitative predictions of fluid dynamics, optical systems performance, thermal and electrical effects in complex systems.
Design and implementation of image processing algorithms for image enhancement, image segmentation, features extraction using PDE, neural networks, mathematical morphology, clustering procedures.
Implementation of both coding and decoding algorithms for high-throughput wireless communication, aiming error correction and secured data transmission.
Simulations for aerospace applications: thermo-mechanical, vibration analysis, stress analysis, crack propagation, stress intensity factor, cfd study of jet impingement, etc.
And an example of image processing workflow for oil slick detection using satellite imagery
Design and simulation of physical processes for accurate quantitative predictions of fluid dynamics, optical systems performance, thermal and electrical effects in complex systems.
Design and implementation of image processing algorithms for image enhancement, image segmentation, features extraction using PDE, neural networks, mathematical morphology, clustering procedures.
Implementation of both coding and decoding algorithms for high-throughput wireless communication, aiming error correction and secured data transmission.
Simulations for aerospace applications: thermo-mechanical, vibration analysis, stress analysis, crack propagation, stress intensity factor, cfd study of jet impingement, etc.
And an example of image processing workflow for oil slick detection using satellite imagery